Friday, July 30, 2010

Upcycling is the new black!!

Having my own curtain shop gives me access to loads and loads of fabric. I don't actually stock any curtain fabrics in the shop. I have hundreds (I kid you not) of sample books where we basically choose a fabric,work out the quantities and then order in what we need It usually takes about a week for the fabric to arrive into our workrooms and then Hey Presto the little elves work away on it and out comes a beautifully finished pair of curtains-I wish!!

See I was not kidding about the huge number of sample books. Eventually these books are replaced by new designs and I have to throw out the books. I have to buy all these books so it kills me to dump any of them.
This week I got a note about newly discontinued books. Usually I groan but in this instance I was happy because they are the most beautiful children's applique (ridiculously expensive!!) fabrics. And I had a plan.

Unfortunately I did not photograph the book before I got my scissors to it...

I made these cushions. Each one different to the next. I knew they would be gorgeous but they turned out even better than I had imagined.

Also this week I have been studying the manual I got with my embroidery sewing machine and figured out a few things. I found out how to repeat a design on one fabric so I tried it out like this.
And then used the designs to cover buttons-Sweet. Thinking of putting them on a white cardi, Maybe...
I have a bag of clothes ready for the charity shop (ready since my xmas clearout). I rummaged through it and found this t shirt.
I turned it into a pair of shorts for Cerys. There's not enough sun here though to warrant shorts so she had been wearing them to bed!!
And I made my first tutorial.Jeepers it takes ages to make one. I think I may have too many photographs in it but it was a great experience to do it. Definitely more to come. Check it out and let me know what you think.
As usual I am linking up to a few blogs:
lush friday (my very own show and tell), amy lou's sew and tell, simply designing ,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lush Skirt tutorial

Remember a few weeks ago I made this skirt and top for my daughter,well I decided to write a tutorial on how to make one.

Bear with me,this is my first tutorial...and its for a skirt for my 7 year old Cerys. We love these wonderfully colourful fabrics. The combinations are endless.
This is a gathered skirt with a flat front waistband and elasticated back waistband. The length of the skirt from the top on the waistband to the hem is 15invhes.So if you want the skirt to be a different length ,adjust your piece lengths.

What you need for this skirt are

2 co-ordinating fat quarters

Piece of 1 inch elastic


ric rac(optional)

Decide which will be your main fabric and cut the fat quarter in half so you have 2 pieces each measuring 10 x 21 inches ( front and back)

Cut co-ord fabric into 2 pieces measuring 5.5 x 21
1 piece 13 x 4(front waistband)
1 piece 21 x 4 (back waistband)

Take the 13 x 4 inch piece ( front waistband) and front piece. Mark the centres

Centre markings

Pin some pleats in place, keeping centre markings centred until the front and waistband are the same width.

Pin and sew together

Pin right sides of back waistband and back piece together (no pleats this time).Pin and sew as front.

Press seams flat towards the waistband.

Pin front and back right sides together at sides.

Sew side seams together .

Pin and sew co-ord fabric 21 x 4 inch pieces together at sides.

Pin hem band and front pieces together making sure the side seams line up

Sew and overlock together, also overlock the raw edge of the waistband and the hem band.

Press up a little hem on the hem band.

Press under the waistband so it is about 1.25inches high.

I cut my elastic 10 inches long. Pin the edge of the elastic to the side seam of the waistband on each side

Sew in place.

Place some pins through the layers along the lower edge of the waistband .

Sew along the lower edge taking care not to stitch through the elastic.

The elastic will gather up making it difficult to manage so put the needle down into the fabric, lift the pressure foot and move the elastic through.You may need to do this a few times.The ric rac is optional ! Place it on top of the seam and sew along.

I sewed ric rac on the lower edge to sew the hem in place. If you do not use ric rac simply machine or hand sew the hem.
Here it is ...the finished skirt. If there is any part of this tutorial you cannot follow please comment below and I will try to enlighten you!!

Totally Tutorials Blog