When I was a child most of my Christmas presents were crafty,makey things I would spent my Christmas holidays making and doing! My poor parents would watch me open my presents on Christmas morning ,and frustratingly for them ,I used to open each box and look at making instructions and even start makng some stuff before folding the xmas paper up neatly and moving on to the next present. I know....i was a pain in the ass!!!....I remember getting a leather bag making kit one year .I insisted in making the bag before opening any more presents.
This Christmas I was in a serious make and do mode. During Christmas day and St Stephens day at my sisters house I managed to crochet some hats.This one is my favourite,made from pure wool I have had in the attic for probably the guts of 20 (shush!!) years.

I bought this japanese panel in Pippablue a few weeks ago and immediately cut out a jacket the minute I got it home. It sat beside the sewing machine til this week.

Here is the almost finished jacket....only buttons and handsewing left to do. I am not mad about the collar but its nothing a lovely scarf won't sort out!

I have come to the conclusion that I have a bit of OCD going on. Ages ago I bought the
Amy Butler Liverpool shirt pattern. I made one from a gorgeous Kaffe Fasset fabric and love it. It's a matter of leggings,t-shirt, boots, sorted, dressed!!
At the knitting and stitching show this year I bought some fabric with no clear plans in mind. I proceeded to make 2 more Liverpools. This week I was looking a one of the pieces of aforementioned fabric trying to figure out what to make, I even cut out a pattern of a dress but ended up making.....another Liverpool. I think the problem is that when I make something I don't really know if I am going to like it til its made and the Liverpool is my little comfort zone now.Darn....but I love it.

Kaffe Fasset and 3 fabrics bought at the knitting and stitching show.

I had a piece left over from one of my Liverpools so I made a simple A line skirt....I will be teaching an
intermediate sewing class in Pippablue in january,showing how to make this skirt.It's a great little project....covers cutting out,seams,zip ( I have a really nifty method for beginners),ways to finish a waist band and hemming.Can't wait!!

Here's another version of the simple A line skirt anyone can make from the basic pattern.

Love this ribbon.

I made this little girls skirt for Ger and Eva in Pippablue to show what can be made from 2 fat quarters.

I love admiring other peoples patchwork but would not be a mad fan of making my own.I could not resist these fabrics and am loving how this turned out. I wanted it to be lightweight so I attached it to a fleece throw I picked up in Penneys.


I even managed to make 2 new roman blinds for my utility. Remember I made
these for my kitchen.

Hope you all have a Crafty New Year!!!