Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Making a few changes

Recently I have been at home more, taking a little more 'me' time away from work. It's been really lovely to drop the children to school and come home.I can get so much done before I go back to collect them...mostly sewing of course!
Maybe spending more time at home is making me feel the need for a few little changes. So this week I made some new roman blinds for my kitchen. I had been looking for a new fabric for some time and always wait til a fabric 'speaks' to me before I decide. I won't just choose something just for the sake of it.While the children watched a DVD on saturday night I worked on my new blinds.

Well what do you think???....a big change.

This is my bedroom.The picture looks very purpley but it's more mauve in reality. Again I need a big change so am thinking about doing the wall behind the bed in this pink paper and maybe a grey shade on the other walls.

I love this paper...its so Wow!!


  1. wow oh wow love the blinds so pretty and yes that wall paper is WOW go for it girl!

  2. The blinds are gorgeous! And your kitchen looks so inviting, I just want to jump right through the photo and have coffee with you, my bloggy friend! :o)

    The wallpaper is beautiful. I am not that bold with color, though if I was, I would certainly choose something like that. It really is very pretty. Happy Tuesday! :o)

  3. I love the pink wallpaper! I think it will be really nice in your bedroom. Can't wait to see it up!

  4. I am very impressed with the changes you are making to your home! Congratulations!!!!
